Thursday, October 25, 2007

My first tender...

A. I thought I’d try this blog thing out. Maybe it’s just because it sounds cool to “blog,” but I really do think it will be fun to write about random stuff. Even if I have no cyber audience, I will enjoy writing. I guess that’s a curse of studying English…writing becomes part of you.

B. Life has been crazy with recent wildfires. My house and family are fine, gratefully, but a lot of San Diego has burned. My best friend Hayley lost her home, which makes me really sad. Hayze is a great person and has a great family. I know ultimately there is a plan for each of us put in place by Someone so much more omniscious than we think we are, but at the same time it breaks my heart that someone I love so much has to deal with such a difficult thing. Large-scale disasters like this make me so appreciatiive for what I have been blessed with, and I just want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.

C. A little know fact about me: I really like brie cheese. This is a recent development.

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