Saturday, July 12, 2008

Robby's Home!!!

Two posts in one day. I's amazing. The reason...MY BROTHER IS HOME! Robby got home last night from his two year mission in Japan. The time just flew and I can't believe he's back already, but it was really good to see him.
The first thing he said to my other brother Jacob was "nice hat." He was referring to his was the funniest thing ever. Jacob likes his hair nice and long, and Robby gave him the hardest time. It was awesome. He also told him he needed to shave. It was epic.

It was a pretty exciting day...but it's definitely going to be an adjustment for Robby. He talks with a little bit of a Japanese accent. He puts emphasis on words the way the Japanese people do, and it's interesting to see him try to adjust to English. He keeps saying Japanese words, then looks around and realizes that no one around speaks Japanese. It's kind of cool, but he seems kind of lost. I guess it will be an interesting adjustment. Poor guy. It's nice to have him back, though.

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