Sunday, November 23, 2008

15 Random Things

My friend Rachel Jaynes tagged me on here goes. Most of this stuff isn't a surprise if you know me, but it was kind of fun thinking about all of the random and bizarre things that make me tick.

1. I am terrified of whales. I’m not sure why…I don’t recall having a bad experience with them. They just really freak me out.
2. The only way I will eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is if it’s open-faced. If you put the two sides together, the sandwich totally loses its charm.
3. I love Air Supply. I realize they’re an 80’s band who sings love ballads to themselves, but I really like them. Ask any of my college roommates.
4. Once upon a time I had a kidney stone that stuck around for about two weeks. I got tired of referring to it as “kidney stone” so I named it Sparky.
5. I just discovered scrambling. What is scrambling you ask? Good question. It’s climbing from rock to rock up a mountain. It’s really fun, and not as scary as straight up rock climbing.
6. I hate thanksgiving. Turkey is too dry, I don’t like cranberries, stuffing makes me gag, and it seems like the only point of the holiday is to get together and watch football. I’m not a fan.
7. I am extremely competitive. My family refuses to play cranium with me anymore.
8. I like lists. I make lists for everything. I think in list form. Sometimes in my conversations I letter or number the main points I want to talk about.
9. I watch the food network religiously. I have a secret crush on Bobby Flay.
10. I got in a car accident my freshman year of college and have a ridiculously cool scar above my right eye.
11. I love striped shirts. Especially the horizontal stripes…you know, the ones that are supposed to make you look larger than you really are. Yeah.
12. I sleep on my stomach, with one pillow under my head, one by my side with my arm around it, and another in between my legs.
13. I always wanted moon boots as a child. I never got them. It was one of those things that I’ve never gotten over.
14. I have a backpack fetish. I love them. Every time I go in REI I examine all the backpacks. My favorite is a North Face pack called the Heckler. It’s green and white and beautiful.
15. I name all of my electronic devices after characters in Shakespeare plays. My computer’s name is Hal from Prince Henry the IV. My jump drives are named Hamlet and Macbeth. I have an external hard drive dubbed Mercutio. I’m a nerd.

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