Tuesday, April 28, 2009

It may be time for an update...

As the title indicates, my blog needs to be updated like no one’s business. It’s been far too long, and (by consequence) this blog is shaping up to be a long, action packed adventure. This is what I’ve been up to in the last few months:

I went snorkeling! It was so stinking cold, but so stinking fun! We saw lots of these little beauties, and I really enjoyed swimming in open water! I felt so brave. Don’t worry, though. Not a whale was in sight!

I went to my very first college basketball game. It was the SDSU vs. BYU game. It was pretty fun, and the game got really exciting in the last four minutes or so. BYU pulled off a win, and it was pretty cool to be in such a charged atmosphere.

I attempted to go on a grunion run. In the Spring/Summer, these little fish called grunions “run” onto the beaches and lay their eggs. People sometimes go and watch this strange mating ritual, and it’s supposed to be really cool because the entire beach is filled with little flopping fish. When we went, we only saw three fish…I guess they were tired that night.

I’ve taken up rock climbing! I know I’ve blogged about it before, but I really just love it. Enjoy this picture. I had to put it up because my butt is squished through the harness. Oh, the occupational hazards of climbing really high…
I dyed my hair purple! Just the underside, actually, but it looks really cool! I let my friend do it, and she’d never dyed anyone’s hair before. It was all sorts of adventurous, but everything turned out well. Much better than the last time I attempted to put purple in my hair.

I ordered something from thesomethingstore.com. It’s this random website that you send $10 to and they send you something. Haha, it sounds a little ridiculous, but I got a sweet pair of sunglasses from the exchange. It was a fun little exercise in letting go of control, and it worked marvelously. It was fairly liberating. Ahhhh.

I went to a rodeo! I really enjoyed it, too. I kind of had a problem with the way they threw around the baby animals, but it was really cool to see the bull riders. I love cowboys!

Anyway, so those are some highlights of what the past few months have brought. SO FUN!

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