Monday, October 12, 2009

What Happens in Vegas…

This past weekend, I journeyed to Las Vegas with some of my very favorite friends. We drove up for a football game, but the weekend was so much more than college sports. We left early Saturday morning, and took some really fun detours along the way. Here are some of the adventures we had!

- When driving by the outlet mall, it was suggested that we stop at the outlet mall and shop for a bit. The best part of this suggestion was that it came from a boy. HAHA! The girls didn't care about shopping...the guys did! This amused me greatly. While in Barstow, there was a really cool car show with some real classics in it, so we looked around for a little bit before hitting the road again.

- Once we arrived at the state line, we stopped and rode the Desperado roller coaster. It was so old and rickety and fast! One of my seat restraints came undone mid-ride, though…that was kind of scary. It was a thrilling stop, to say the least.

- In Vegas, we hit up the buffet at the Bellagio. We all ate so much. Seriously, we all totally pigged out. After we gorged ourselves, we got some face paint and blue hair spray and colored ourselves cougar! It was well worth it...the game was awesome with BYU winning 59-21. Don’t worry that I have a huge crush on their head coach Bronco Mendenhall. Sigh.

- After the game, a few of us went over to the Stratosphere and rode two of the roller coasters on top of the 1,149 foot hotel/casino. It was really really scary, but it was really really fun, too. One of the rides took you over the side of the building, and spun you in circles. The other one we rode shot you straight up and then dropped you a few times. They took a picture (which I regret not buying) right as we were shot up. It was a picture of our reactions, and it perfectly displayed each of our personalities. Oh, it was epic. The ride was seriously terrifying, but so fun at the same time. It’s weird how those two emotions can co-exist.

- We ended the trip by stopping for strawberry shakes on the drive home. They were so thick and so delicious.

I think in the archives of greatest weekends of all time, this one is ranked in my top 3. I'm attaching some pictures below...they're not of people, though. I need to be better about documenting my adventures.


KIRI said...

Kristen. . .
I went to this game . . . I was sitting on the same side as you. . . over to the left. . . down on the 18th row. . . That is so crazy!

Kristen said...

Are you serious?!? That's awesome! I wish I had seen you!!!