Saturday, August 20, 2011

Big News

Okay, I have to admit that I used that title so you all would think I was getting married or having a baby or something. Don't worry, friends. I would have told you LONG before now. :)

The big news is I'm moving my blog! To a real website! You can now find me at:

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Letter to Myself

Dear Future Me:

I wish I had a letter to myself from five years ago, so I'm writing one now to remind you of a few important things. I just learned them, and I want them to stay fresh so when you look back you can remember them in their purest form. So listen closely- I know how fast you'll forget what I'm about to tell you.

1.  Good girlfriends and chlorinated hot tubs can make almost any situation better.
2.  When good girlfriends and chlorinated hot tubs don't help all that much, add peanut M&Ms into the mix
3.  Sometimes taking a break to figure things out is a good thing. Especially if you're confused.
4.  It's okay to be sad for a little while.
5.  Learn the motto "Just Do It." And then live it- especially on the hard stuff. Because regrets suck.

Learn this now. Because if I look back in three years and am still struggling with the same darn stuff, I'm gonna be mad.

Present Me

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I can't stop thinking about this song. The lyrics. The melody. The scary parallel it has with my life. It's erie. I just keep listening. Hoping that maybe someday it won't really apply.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Today I Turned 27...

and despite the utmost hatred I had for turning 25 and 26, I'm remarkably okay with 27. I feel like this is my year. Watch out world. I've got all sorts of tricks up my sleeves for this year- it'll be one for the books.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Del Mar Fair FTW

I went to the fair last night with some friends. It was really fun- had some mediocre BBQ, watched my friends ride crazy rides, saw some really cute (and really foul-smelling) farm animals, hung out with T, and got this little friend. You had to win it by shooting a basketball through a hoop- my friend Tim came through for me. Isn't he cute!!!


4 Reasons Why This Week Need to Go By Fast

1. I leave on Saturday for my FAMILY REUNION!!! I am so stinking excited I can't even contain myself. I've never been to a reunion before, and I have high high hopes for this one.

2. Along with the family reunion comes the introduction of me to my teeny cousins. I've meet a couple of
them (shout out to Jack when he was a baby, as well as Avery and Dono a few summers ago), but I'm
really excited to meet the rest of them. They're all so cute!!!

3. When Friday is over, I will officially be able to unplug my computer and phone and just take a break from the craziness of my job. I absolutely love what I do- but it's healthy to take a break every now and

4. The Fourth of July is coming up! I love the Fourth of July- and this year I'll be in Utah and can legally
do my own fireworks! How awesome is that?!?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Be Still My Heart

My roommate got me hooked on this show called Chuck. It's actually really great, but this man here may be my favorite part. Agent John Casey...move over Robert Downey Jr and Bronco Mendenhall- there's a new player in my celebrity love trifecta.