Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4 Reasons Why This Week Need to Go By Fast

1. I leave on Saturday for my FAMILY REUNION!!! I am so stinking excited I can't even contain myself. I've never been to a reunion before, and I have high high hopes for this one.

2. Along with the family reunion comes the introduction of me to my teeny cousins. I've meet a couple of
them (shout out to Jack when he was a baby, as well as Avery and Dono a few summers ago), but I'm
really excited to meet the rest of them. They're all so cute!!!

3. When Friday is over, I will officially be able to unplug my computer and phone and just take a break from the craziness of my job. I absolutely love what I do- but it's healthy to take a break every now and

4. The Fourth of July is coming up! I love the Fourth of July- and this year I'll be in Utah and can legally
do my own fireworks! How awesome is that?!?

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