Friday, June 10, 2011


I've been contemplating the concept of friendship as of late. It's interesting to me that two people (just talking about one-on-one friendships- groups are a whole different dynamic for another day) can have such varying degrees of attachment/loyalty/care for the other person. It's frustrating, actually, being the one that cares more. I think back about all the friendships I've enjoyed in my life, and I think there are only a handful where I actually felt like the friendship was on equal ground- that I received as much care and love as I gave. Then I get kind of cocky and think, "Man. I am an AWESOME friend." Which, I try to be...but often times I fail miserably. But that's not the point.

The point, actually, is what I've recently learned about personalities. I have this great friend named Becky. She's big into personalities and motivations and behaviors (closet psychologist), and she told me about a remarkably interesting philosophy. It's actually quite a popular one- but it's basically color theory applied to personalities.

Red Likes power, is very logical
Blue Emotional, thrives on connections
White Peaceful, keeps emotions and motivations closed to others
Yellow All about fun

I buy into this theory. I personally (and I'd be interested to see if you disagree) am a Blue with a hint of Red. Turns out I tend to gravitate to whites- who are by nature more closed off. So, I've concluded, that I'm not the only good friend in the world. I'm not the better friend to my friends- I've just stumbled across another way to put myself in their shoes. Now I get it- people react to different things in different ways (obviously...but it really was a wake-up call for me), and that doesn't mean they care more or less...just that they process it differently. I used to live by this quote:

"Sometimes we expect more from others, because we would be willing to do that much for them."

I suppose this is still true in some cases, but I'm grateful for a friend who psychoanalyzes and is in-tune to others and their reactions to life. It's clarified all sorts of things.


Sondra said...

Kristen I miss you!!! Can we have a girls day soon?

Like us, and Melissa, and Cindy and Becky? I like it, do you?

Kristen said...

Yes! Please! I was so bummed I missed your card thing!!! Let's plan it!!!

Suzanne & Andrew Dupuis said...

I love you! And I think about you often! Just wanted to let you know... no matter how busy life gets, I will ALWAYS cherish our friendship~! And... you should move to NY... that's all!

karen said...

I find it interesting that you should be drawn to whites, I think your dad is a white. Just saying!

Love you!