Monday, January 28, 2008

Tribute to Friends

I'm in Rexburg again for one final semester. I graduate in April, and it scares the crap out of me. I am not ready to grow-up, and I am not ready to leave this little town behind. Being here has been kind of a struggle for me this semester, however. I decided to move in with a friend, and I left a ward I had been in for two years. I don't know ANYONE! Well, that's not true. I know some wonderful people, but I am completely out of my comfort zone and it's very intimidating. That being said, I am so grateful for friends. Not the friends who seem to flake everytime you make plans. Heaven knows I have plenty of people who say we will hang out and spend time together, but who prove to me time and time again that they do not, in fact, care enough to follow through. No, I am grateful for the true friends. The friends who show up at your door when you really need a friendly face, and the friends who let you scream and cry and vent to them. The ones who tell you that guy is the biggest jerk ever and that you can do better. The ones who tell you when you do a good job, and carefully correct you when you get off course. The ones who care enough about you to take time and talk one on one. The friends who understand what you mean when your words come out all mangled, and the friends who will freeze outside in the snow because that's what you want to do. I have been feeling pretty depressed lately, and I think it's because I have not been a true friend. I have a lot of amazing people in my life, and it's my turn to be the one who sacrifices. So to all my true friends, thank you.

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