Thursday, March 20, 2008

I am a looser

I have come to the conclusion that I am basically a looser. I spend all day and all night in the library, and I STILL have so much to do. I work hard on project, but still get behind, and the only relationships I have are hopelessly platonic in nature. Not that that's a bad thing...I appreciate my friends...but sometimes it would be nice to not be the single one. I mean, I've dated my share of guys, but for some reason this semester I feel like the only single person I know. For a moment a week ago, I thought there might have been a slight chance at possibly starting to like someone, but it seems that sentiment isn't reciprocated so I am back to the library. I have my own cubicle and everything. I was thinking about getting a name plaque for it, but then I remembered that I'm trying to not be a looser and that would just amplify the problem. Word.


iBo said...

i'm glad you're a "looser". :p gives me something to make fun of you about :p

its the end of the semester! have fun! NCMO! hahaha im kidding. i would never condone that kind of action. :p

read that book!

Brad Rowe said...

is being a looser better or worse than being a loser?

123123 said...

You know, I never said Cedar was bad. But you have to understand... the whole mess with my dad cheating... for 5 years... all happened in Cedar. Everytime we drove thru, or to Cedar, it snowed, and we almost crashed.
Not good memories. You'd understand more if you had the same. And you're used to driving in snow, I'm not.
I'm actually excited. Thanks.