Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Library or Bust

I forgot my calculator, and I'm supposed to be doing my math homework right now. Since I can't really do 1.0067 to the 240th power in my head, I think I'll wait until I get home. I have twenty minutes until class, though, so here I am...blogging. The semester is finishing up, and I'm definitely feeling the burn. It's the same thing at the end of every semester, but for some reason this semester is particularly heinous. I have a lot of group projects...and I'm not a big fan. Oh, well. In 15 days, it won't matter that I haven't slept well for three months, or that I've been eating peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches for the past two weeks because that's all I've had time for. Today my friend Cameron told me that I'm being sensitive. I think he's right. I'm on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Haha. He has no idea. say the least, I am stressed. Who would have thought the "best days of my life" were spent not sleeping and being "sensitive." Haha. This is what most people forget when they think of their college days. They remember the great times and the fun friends...I intend to do the same.

ps- I realize loser is not spelled with two o's. It's one of the two words in the English language that I cannot spell. Exercise is the other one. I have to look it up every time. So sue me.

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