Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Random Observations

Every now and then I like to sit back and enjoy the random nature of my life and the strange way my mind connects things. Here are a few...

A. I drank my first glass of Eggnog for the season. I normally would not partake of such a beverage until Thanksgiving is good and over, but there are several factors that play into this.
1. It's 10:45 at night
2. I'm really bored
3. There's nothing else in the fridge.

B. Today was the best mail day I've had in a really long time. I received a new power cord for my lap top (affectionately dubbed Hal, which is the nickname given to Prince Henry in Prince Henry IV written by Shakespeare), 4 shirts from GAP, one puffy vest, one pair of khaki (love that word) pants, and my new AAA membership card. I love mail!

C. After I finish my last load of laundry tonight, I will have done 8 loads in the past 24 hours.

D. I somehow managed to gouge my face with my nails last night. It looks terrible. It scabbed over, but I've been putting Neosporin on it to make sure I don't get some sort of infection (I'm paranoid about MRSA...although I have no good reason to be), and it looks disgusting. If asked, I would describe it as a cold sore that missed my lips. People don't usually get cold sores on their cheeks. Of course, I wouldn't really know...I've never had one. But I bet if I got one, I would be just as conscious of it as I am about this.

E. My brother Jacob should be getting his mission call ANY DAY NOW! We thought he might have gotten it today, but the mail came without a letter from Salt Lake. It was kind of dissapointing, but at the same time kind of relieving. I swear I will cry when he reads it, and then I will have to deal with the embarassment of being a big baby.

F. I need dental insurance. Anyone know of any good plans for individuals?

G. I met my friend Aubrey's 2nd cousin for the 2nd time today. It made me think of my 2nd cousins, and I wish they would come visit again. The only ones I have are Madeline and Kate, and they are the two most adorable girls ever. Each of them have such a spunky little personality, and I miss seeing them.

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