Wednesday, May 27, 2009

30 Things To Do Before I Turn 30

My friend Allison told me about a list she made of 101 things to do in 1001 days. I loved the idea, but I couldn't think of 101 things to do! So I made up my own list...a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30. I am so excited! Some of these things will build some awesome memories, and some of them will help me make some serious personality breakthroughs. I'm not sure I would classify them as goals, necessarily, but definitely social and entertainment milestones. I have 5 years this July...and I will keep a photo journal of all of my adventures! I hope you're as amped about this as I am.'s the list:

1. Paint a painting on canvas
2. Go to a different church
3. Take public transportation: bus, train, trolley
4. Run a 5k
5. Ride a mechanical bull
6. Write a love letter and actually send it
7. Watch every James Bond film
8. Ride a horse
9. See a space shuttle launch in person
10. Go on a backpacking trip
11. Smile at 100 strangers
12. Give blood
13. Sit on a jury
14. Do a total body make-over
15. Go pier fishing
16. Get scuba certified
17. Participate in a Polar Bear Swim
18. Have a complete physical
19. Get a letter to the editor published
20. Drive a wickedly cool car, even if it means renting it
21. Let someone read my poetry journal
22. See Old Faithful erupt
23. Answer my cell phone without screening it for a whole month
24. Get a stamp in my passport
25. Find out my blood-type
26. Go on a cruise
27. Send a postcard home every time I leave the state
28. Put $5 into savings for each item completed on this list
29. Go to bed before midnight for a month
30. Profess my feelings to a person I like


Kylee said...

Sounds awesome! Good luck with your list; you motivated me, now I want to do a list!

KIRI said...

i kinda do this but different i set so many goals for that year depending on my age. like im 28 this year so i set 28 goals. . . ITs so fun we have a few that are the same.