Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Meet MACbeth

I have a new love in my life. Meet MACbeth. I got him last night, and I'm in love. While I will miss my last computer, this one is a ROCKSTAR! Holy cow...seriously so cool. :) It's been established that I'm kind of a nerd- I name my electronic devices after Shakespeare characters (my ironic tribute to the way he captured human nature...name non-human things after his characters), so Macbeth was the perfect fit. I call him "Mac" for short. Haha.

1 comment:

Brianne said...

welcome to the club! i love my macbook and wouldn't trade it for anything.... its the best.

now you just need the hookup to hook it to the TV and adam can come over and show you guys his fav youtube videos. its a real treat... :)