Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Today I'm Grateful For...

  1. Tiny little 94 year-old men who speak in Swedish accents and thank me (profusely I might add) when I do nice things for them.
  2. The ever-expanding list of terms of endearment used on me at work. My top 5? Love, love cricket, gorgeous, love blossom, and good lookin'. I should probably mention that most of them come from men at least three times my age. And the UPS guy.
  3. Hair that behaves itself when I only have 15 minutes to get ready in the morning.
  4. Brand new red planners that start in August.
  5. The sun-burnt skin that is staying on my nose. In a day or two it will start peeling off, and then I won't be very grateful for it at all.

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