Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas and New Years

A lot has happened in the past two weeks, which means a lot of information for one blog. Readers beware.

First of all, Christmas was awesome. It was so nice to spend time together as a family. Robby was in Japan the last two years, Jacob will be in Michigan for the next two years, and it was really fun to hang out and catch up. I love my family. My parents are the best people I know. I couldn't have asked for better role models. My brothers are strange, but so cool at the same time. My sister is just awesome...I could go on and on. I feel like Dash did in The Incredibles when he said, "I love our family." I am reminded of how lucky I am every time we are together (even when we pick fights with each other), and I really enjoyed these past couple of weeks. I am so blessed!

Secondly, I did something WAAY out of my comfort zone for New Years Eve. I normally do something very low-key for this particular holiday, but this year I went to Las Vegas. It was kind of crazy, but incredibly fun. I went with a couple of my college roommates, and it was a blast. Here are a few of the highlights (In no particular order), followed by a few pictures.

- Blue Man Group. These guys were awesome. They are so funny and the show was extremely entertaining. I highly recommend it.
- Fashion Show Mall. I think I'm in love. There are so many stores in the place.
- Bajio. This isn't necessarily something one goes to Vegas to experience, but Bajio is my favorite restaurant in Rexburg, Idaho. They don't have them in San Diego, so we made sure we had lunch there while we could.
- The Strip. No explanation necessary. Walking around was fun and definitely entertaining. We rang in 2009 with what seemed like a million other people outside The Mirage. I had I don't know how many too-close-for-comfort encounters with strange men. Oh, man. Sometimes I like to get a little crazy, but this was a little too crazy for my liking.
- Tennis. I hadn't played in about a year, and it was really nice to dust off the old tennis skills. Amy, Jared, Zac, and I used to play everyday during the summer when I was in Idaho. I miss those days.
- New York New York roller coaster. It was really fun and kind of freaky. We went during the night, and it was a little frightening as the Las Vegas skyline is spiraling in and out of vision.
- Hiking Red Rock Canyon. We took a little hike to a "waterfall." Haha. It was so not a waterfall. It was a trickle. It was still really cool, though. We also drove the 13 mile loop that offers a panaramic view of the canyon. It was gorgeous.
- Cheesecake Factory. It was so incredibly delicious. Chicken Ceasar Salad, Virgin Pina Colada, and Pecan Caramel Turtle Cheesecake. Yum.

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