Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Inside of My Head Looks Like the Inside of My Purse

Here are the random thoughts churning in my brain.

  • After eating a TON of red meat, I gave blood last week! In the past, I haven’t been able to because my iron level has been too low. I was a little worried about it, and I was NOT excited for the finger prick, but it wasn’t bad at all. It took me a whopping six minutes to fill my bag, AND the guy let me hold it when I was done. That was was warm. They told me they’re going to send me a card with my name and my blood type on it. I’m excited. I think I’ll go back and do it again in 6 weeks.
  • I’m going to see a space shuttle launch in March. The launch is scheduled for March 18th. There’s always the chance it will get delayed, but I am going anyway! If anyone wants to come with me, the invitation is open. I kind of really don’t want to go by myself.
  • I don’t like feeling like I’ve been replaced.
  • I saw the play Wicked last week. I loved it! I really want to see it again! The music was fabulous, the set was incredible, and it was a very pleasant experience.
  • Why do people say you can’t wear white after Labor Day? That's ridiculous. I happen to really like white. I'll wear white whenever I want!
  • I’m going to Washington DC next week, and I am so excited! But what am I supposed to pack? Just shorts? Mostly shorts and some jeans? Ugh... packing is the bane of my existence. I’m dragging my family to the space museum…I don’t know if they know what they’re in for. I plan to spend a good chunk of my day there, as well as most of the memory on my camera card. I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am. I love space. I have a very unnatural obsession with space.
  • I got dental insurance. Phew.
  • My credit card was compromised, and I have to get a new one. Annoyance. Evidently someone called in and placed an order with a car rental company for $2.57. I guess what these people do is charge cards for small amounts that no one will notice, and then once they know the card is valid they make larger purchases. Stupid people.
  • My cat barfed on the couch, and now my Dad is getting rid of her. Sad faces. If anyone wants a very cute, sometimes loveable cat, let me know.
  • I’m a freelance writer now. I like doing it, it makes me schedule my free time better, and it’s helping me further my skill set.


Audra said...

Kristen!! How did I not know about your blog? Love it! Love the new bedroom! Love you!! I miss you!!

Kristen said...

Ooops. I should have told you! I read yours all the time!

Erika said...

Kristen! where have you been?? love the new blog post!

camrow said...

Totally sad that I don't live in Washington anymore! In response to your question about white after Labor day, the actual rule was not to wear white shoes after Labor day, but then someone took it too far. I think it's like a Hallmark thing now. New season for new clothes, etc.