Thursday, September 3, 2009

Top 10 Reasons I love Washington DC

I LOVED my time in the district. I think I loved it a little too much. I'm itching to move experience life in the fast lane. I gave myself a year...then I'm serious about moving back there. I have a year to experience California and do all the things I wanna do and date all the boys I wanna date...and if, after a year, I still feel like I'm not progressing, then I'm going to pick up my life and move. I'm sure that will make my parents THRILLED! Haha. Washington DC was amazing, humidity and all. I got caught up in seeing all the cool stuff that I forgot to take pictures at some of the places...ooops. At any rate, here are the highlights.

1. Air and Space Museum. I loved seeing the Apollo stuff and the Alan Bean painting gallery. So much cool stuff in there!

2. The changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington. It was such a solemn ceremony. I feel privledged to be able to have experienced it.

3. The Metro. Enough said.

4. Sneaking a peek in the reading room of the Library of Congress.

5. Seeing the Trifecta of Freedom. The Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independance, and the Constitution. It was amazing to see the documents that changed everything.

6. The American History Museum. Specifically Old Glory, Seinfeld's puffy shirt, and C3PO's costume. Yes, folks. It was a costume. Turns out he wasn't a real robot.

7. Mt. Vernon. George Washington was an amazing man, and I LOVED visiting his home.

8. FAMILY! I got to meet my cousins Avery and Donovan for the first time, and they are adorable. It was nice to see Scott and Tiffany, as well as Kathryn, too. I love my family!

9. The monuments. We saw the Washington Monument from the car, but actually got out to see the Jefferson and the Lincoln. They are way cool during sunset/nighttime.

10. The National Cathedral. The architecture was gorgeous. The view was gorgeous. Amazing!

Honorable Mentions:

- Seeing the Liberty Bell and Independance Hall in Philadelphia

- The random torrential rainstorms, complete with thunder and lightening
- Air conditioning

- The sunset


flem-fam said...

Yay! I'm so glad we made your top 10! For the record, you definitely made our top 10 of our summer vacation. I am kicking myself for not taking any pictures though!!! It was so much fun to see you, cute girl!

Kristen said...

Of course you did! The Top 10 wasn't in an specific order...because you definitely weren't my eighth favorite thing! It was so good seeing you, too!!!!